Steve33433's Blog It Is What It Is

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7.30.14 Here Goes…

Hi All, I think that JULY 13 WAS THE LAST TIME I HAD AN ENTRY.  I don’t really recall all what was going on except for the fact that I went into the hospital to do a 3 minute brain scan. The scan was conducted on a hard slab and when it was over the tech noticed that my right arm just flopped down on its own. that did it! Suddenly, my gurney was in the hallway attracting a flow of medical people as a result of my right arm going limp for all of a minute and a half. The ultimate result, was being put in the hospital for a week. during that week i was visited by a string of neurosurgeon, my oncologist, my internist, and a string of others where after popping in all hours of the day and night asking me to squeeze their fingers, put up resistance to their up and down hand pressure , then ask me how I as feeling. I am sure they  Medicare  nicely with no indication to me what was going on. As of a week ago Friday I’Ve been transferred from the hospital to a rehab center just a few minutes from where we live. My main problem here, and a have to say treatment here has been very good, is that my right leg has feeling on my skin but absolutely no motor control. Therefore in the last number of weeks I’ve gone from cane to walker to wheelchair with a right leg that supports nothing. Will muscle control return? Who knows, there is certainly no medical results, prognosis or even agreement among the various Drs. So on we go. The most frustrating part is not knowing what is causing this except that they feel it is coming from my brain and therefore the Ommaya reservoir to be able to put medication into the liquid of the brain. A 50/50 chance that I will regain my motor movement of my leg. The rest of my body is getting stronger through OT and PT. Put all of that together with a berserk  blood sugar count caused by steroid, a further weaken right leg, caused by an unnecessary drug, having to depend on people to do things for you that I’ve never needed doing in 71 years, which all makes for a not very pretty picture. So here you have a medical update of Mr. Positive since the diagnosis of esophageal cancer in 2008. Have I lost the feeling of a positive outcome? Nope! But it is not easy to maintain especially when there are no answer forthcoming. So there you have it,how long I will be locked up in here I have no clue. We will see what the Oncologist says on Friday and how the next shot goes. I am sure you know but I want you to know a piece of what Sheila is going through here because you can hear it in my attitude. She has been and continue to be supper through the ups and downs of this episode. Bottom line to this is you now have some of what we are at now and we keep hoping that the direction from here on will stay positive and that we get some good news soon. Stay positive. Be kind. Make someone smile. Gary Slattery Happy Birthday, Jesse and Alex Happy Birthday, Susan Brody Happy Birthday.IMG_2020

Stay tuned…….

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3 thoughts on “7.30.14 Here Goes…

  1. Thanks Steve for the b-day wish. Good thoughts coming your way. I hope they get it figured it out and the OT and PT will keep your spirits up. I try and work out everyday and it keeps me going. Keep the blog coming and updated on all developments. Your friend since 1st grade….Gary

  2. Linda Leighton on said:

    Happy to hear that you are positive and working with Pt and Ot…upper body strength! Keep up the fight…hopefully, the doctors will get you using your legs again…otherwise, a motorized scooter!…and you can yell, “get out of my way”!
    Sending love from the both of us ..

  3. Dorothy ^!^ on said:

    I am so sorry to hear what you are now having to go through. Two steps forward one step back is pretty much the footwork for this dance,well that and staying as positive as you possibly can to keep that good energy flowing. My prayers as always are with you my friend and I don’t say that lightly. You are an inspiration to us all. Oh and on that note you may be happy to know …..I have begun to write. 🙂

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